Rubrics & Grading

Music Assessment Rubrics

Where students complete performance assessments in music, their work will be graded using the rubrics below. Grades for effort and participation, given each semester, are assessed using the participation rubric.

*Note 9/13/23: These documents are being reformatted for this year. Please check back for updated versions in the coming weeks.


Playing Instruments

Reading & Notating Music

Effort & Class Participation

Report Cards for General Music

Students at OPE will receive two music grades each semester. The first grade reports a student's progress toward standards in musical skill areas, while the second grade reports a student's effort and participation during music classes. 

Effort and participation grades are based on the rubric linked above. 

Musical skills grades are based on the following category weighting. In the event there are no assignments in a certain category in a given semester, the computer gradebook system balances scores proportionally based on the category weighting of those with assignments.

In order to receive a grade of "Exceeds" for the musical skills grade, a student must have an overall percentage of 95% or greater and exceeding expectations in two or more skill areas listed above (excluding participation).

At OPE, we use Synergy to track student assignment scores and the status of course grades. It is recommended that students and families check the status of their grades via StudentVUE and ParentVUE periodically throughout the semester. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Report Cards for Band

Students involved in band also receive grades for their work in band in addition to those for general music. Band grades are based on the following category weighting:

At OPE, we use Synergy to track student assignment scores and the status of course grades. It is recommended that students and families check the status of their grades via StudentVUE and ParentVUE periodically throughout the semester. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Proficiency Grading Scale

Our district uses proficiency-based marks rather than letter grades. They correlate to percentages as follows: